What I learnt from Lewis Howes

What an honour to host Lewis Howes on The Vision Board Podcast. I’ve been following Lewis for a couple of years and he has been a major influence on my decision to enter the podcast world. He produces one of my favourite shows “The school of Greatness” which is something I anticipate when its released on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The content on the show is first class with some of the most successful people from around the world telling their stories and giving their inspirations.
What make it even better is the interviewing skills of Lewis; you can hear genuineness in his voice that you don’t hear in many others. I was truly stoked when Lewis agreed to come on as he was on the bucket list of people I wanted to have on the show.
To give you more back ground on Lewis, he an inspiring lifestyle entrepreneur, business coach and keynote speaker. He has hosted inspiring interviews with the likes of Tony Robbins, Arianna Huffington, Maria Sharapova, Ray Lewis & Larry King, while he is also a New York Times bestselling author.
To listen to the entire interview use the player below.
Here are my key takeaways:
Lewis believes finding greatness evolves over time and the goal should be to discover and cultivate the unique gifts we are born with. Achieving greatness for Lewis involves making a full time living doing what you love and making a maximum impact on the people around us.
A key thing is to continue to look to improve and seek new information to learn new skills and develop a strong mindset to get you to where you want to go. Intention is key, are you doing things for others or is it always just about you. Lewis focuses on promoting his guests for their own events, books or businesses. He rarely asks for a favour and really focuses on creating value for others first.
Now ask yourself are you doing something you love and most importantly are you doing everything for yourself or touching people every day.
Being unique & consistent
For all his success now, his podcast took 4 years to establish, while his path included professional sports, injuries and being broke on his sister’s couch. While Lewis now has 1.4 million downloads a month there was a huge path that included some smart and consistent work. Some advice from Lewis which can be applied to any project is not to go into it for the money but follow your passion.
The first year of the show he had no sponsors as Lewis wanted to bring integrity into what he was doing. Another key thing is building a unique proposition. There are thousands of blogs and podcasts however he believes it’s only too late if you have zero expertise and zero value to add to the world. Lewis says forgot about copying everyone else, you need to find an angle, something that will attract their attention and bring them value. For Lewis, he brings it with 3 shows every week which he has done for years.
Now what is your point of difference, are you just copying the crowd or have your own unique idea?
Achieving your potential
Lewis believes we are born with unlimited potential and there is unlimited possibility of what you can achieve and do. What will separate you is how willing you are to push your body, mind and emotional intelligence.
It may take time depending on the goal however he believes you can achieve all if you are willing to work both spiritually and mentally. His advice is to be constantly seeing information on our why and developing an understanding of our why.
Finding your “WHY” something that has come up amongst some of the most successful people in the world. While not easy to find, it does seem to be the cornerstone to finding what you love, getting paid for it and building amazing relationships.
Acknowledging goals
Over the past 10 years, Lewis would blow though his goals thinking they were not good enough or big enough onto the next.
Now he tries to structure to allow for celebratory moment, he believes it is very important to celebrate goals and milestones. What he turns to now is a weekly call with his team where they pick out celebratory moments both big and small. His events have also helped him to acknowledge his guests and his team. Lewis recommends weekly check ins to see where you are at and to acknowledge all the things you have achieved. For those still not satisfied it could be a good time to make even bigger goals.
Short term focus
While it is great to create a long term vision sometimes we need to stop focusing on what we don’t have and focus on the short term (6-12 months). Lewis recommends asking yourself “what is possible right now?” Start with taking daily actions to build momentum and your belief. Focus on what is possible right now will create new opportunities.
I think it’s an important take home, are you constantly dreaming ahead or are you focusing on building what’s in the present?
Daily Non-Negotiable
It always great to see the daily habits of successful. The key isn’t to copy but to see what they do and potentially try them for you. Lewis’ daily non-negotiable include 15 minutes of meditation, working out which his trying to get more consistent with making his bed every morning.
Making your bed is something; I’ve actually been focusing on myself, a simple habit which starts your day on the right foot, whatever happens in the day, you have already completed a task.
Who would he invite to a private dinner party
Our go to personality question at the end of the show is to ask who would be the 5 people dead or alive (no family or friends) you would invite to a private dinner party, which always gives some insights into the thoughts and preferences of the guest and learn something new they may not have shared before. His dinner party was:
Jesus, Michael Jackson, Christopher Columbus, Will Smith,
He wanted Jonny & I to select for him.
I’m choosing Oprah
The take out for me is being curious about people. For my own personal experience this has led to far better conversations and relationships.
The interview with Lewis brought about a tonne of take home points. The key is to acknowledge and learn and see what works for you. Be open minded to try new things that could help you achieve your goals.
Be sure to continue to follow Lewis on his journey. Check out The School of Greatness on iTunes, Sound Cloud and Stitcher and for those in the U.S be sure to attend the Summit of Greatness.
ONLINE - http://lewishowes.com/
FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/lewishowes/
INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/lewishowes/
TWITTER - https://twitter.com/LewisHowes
YOU TUBE - https://www.youtube.com/user/lewishowes
Let me know what you think of the interview at tristan@talkingwithtk.com
I think you would also enjoy interviews that I have done with the likes of Chase Jarvis, Aubrey Marcus, Grant Cardone, Steve Weatherford and Gary Vaynerchuk.