“Leadership – we associate it with a title or hierarchy, but the reality is leadership happens every day in the way we act, the way we behave, the attitude we have, the support we show each other. I don’t think it’s something that is a burden but something you should be aware of and sit comfortably with who you are and what you do”
My special guest is Kieren Perkins. Kieren is a legend of the swimming pool which includes being a 4 time Olympic medallist and former world record holder. He is considered one of the greatest long distance swimmers of all time, winning 2 Olympic Gold medals in 1992 and 1996 and silver in 2000.
You will learn plenty from Kieren Perkins in episode 18 of Talking with TK.
Listen on iTunes
3:34 – Biggest challenge in corporate life
5:00 – Influences & lessons from sporting coaches’ transition into his job
7:24 – His role on the team during the golden era of Australian swimming
11:40 – Influence from his parents
13:00 – Coach Mr Carew
19:00 – Olympic trials
21:40 – Breaking 15 minutes in the 1500 meters
22:22 – Preparing when you have young competition at your heals
28:30 – Celebrating wins & Goal setting
30:45 – Favorite race venue
32:00 – Something he needs to do everyday
34:00 – Posters on his childhood wall growing up
35:00 – 5 people he would invite to a private dinner party
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